Instructor: Ian Eisenman, (office) Nierenberg Hall 223, (email)
Course website: Canvas.
Date, time, location: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30-1:50, in Spiess 330.
Synopsis: The course will provide an introduction to the dynamics of rotating stratified flows. Many of the equations apply to both the ocean and the atmosphere, although we will focus primarily on large-scale flows in the ocean. Prerequisits include graduate-level coursework in fluid dynamics or permission of the instructor.
Office Hours: I will informally hold office hours immediately after each class. Students are welcome to email me anytime with questions or to setup a meeting. Students are also welcome to stop by my office anytime, but I recommend checking beforehand to make sure I am in.
Grading: 50% homework, 50% take-home final exam.
Homework: There will be periodic homework assignments. Homework assignments may be turned in one class later than they are due (grace period); let me know if you need more time on an assignment. Students are encouraged to work together on homework exercises; each student should turn in only his or her own work. Please do not consult homeworks or solutions from previous years.
Textbooks: Recommended readings will be drawn from
Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics by Geoffrey Vallis (2017) [individual chapter PDFs or all chapters in single PDF],
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Benoit Cushman-Roisin and Jean-Marie Beckers (2011) [individual chapter PDFs or all chapters in single PDF].
Other textbooks covering aspects of the material we cover that you may also find useful:
Intro to Physical Oceanography by Robert Stewart (2008) [here],
Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics by Adrian Gill (1982) [here],
Ocean Circulation Theory by Joseph Pedlosky (1998),
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Joseph Pedlosky (1987),
Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics by John Marshall & Alan Plumb (2008) [here or here].